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Facebook Marketing for Wineries

BTN looks at how Facebook pages should be used to communicate with customers, market your brand and increase customer lifetime.

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Facebook Marketing for Wineries and Tips on How To Engage

Ahh - To wake up in the morning, open the curtains and look out as the sun's first light kisses the neatly lined rows of vines that stretch our across the valley. What could be better? 'Off to work,' you say to yourself as you...startup your laptop and log into Facebook!

If you don't already know - It is official! Facebook has infiltrated the lives of those who live outside the social circles of Universities and cities where it was once only relevant to those socialites whose lives were endlessly scheduled and edited on the internet. Like it or not, it has reached the valleys, hillsides, and hidden corners of the world where people are making their passion for the land into wine.

I am Logged into Facebook, Now What?

In the last decade it has become essential to keep an active Facebook page to be relevant in the wine industry. So how can you manage your time and money and use Facebook in the most efficient way?

First and Foremost – If you are hoping to connect with new customers on Facebook then you should consider a couple of points first:

1. Most new 'fans' of your Facebook page come from another source of marketing. They have been directed to Facebook by your web-page, direct marketing or word of mouth. Essentially, your winery's Facebook fans are your exiting customers.

2. Most of your Facebook posts will only reach 10% -15% of your Facebook fans.

Don't get discouraged. Facebook wasn't designed to be a revenue generator. If all you have on your mind is 'Revenue, Revenue, Revenue' then your best bet is to simply advertise on Facebook. Buy some advertising space and direct your customers to your website, promotions, wine club, Newsletter subscriptions, etc. You will reach exponentially more potential 'first clicks' and save yourself a lot of time and energy.

Instead of Revenue, Think of Customer Lifetime and Brand Remarketing.

Concentrate on promoting your wine club, up-coming events, new products, and awards while keeping strong communication ties with your customers. Include photos, humor, and winery updates and always try to respond promptly to customer input.

Just follow these simple steps to manage these keys strategies and create a healthy Facebook following:

1. Once a week post an interesting fact, photo or comment on your winery and wine making process.

2. Once a week promote upcoming events, new news releases or awards. This will increase event attendance, promote customer awareness and add to the value of your wines.

3. Engage with interested patrons of your Tasting Room. Ask keen visitors if you can post their pictures and then add personalized 'Thank you for coming' messages to the pictures. Don't forget to ask permission before posting!

4. Share pictures of wine club VIP events and mention how much their patronage means to the winery.

5. Once a week post something interesting or amusing that happened around the winery or tasting room.

6. Make sure to log into Facebook once a day to check for fan interaction. Reply to any questions or comments with upbeat responses.

7. Periodically use free tastings or merchandise in promotions to engage with new fans and keep your returning fans happy.
Planning your upcoming week's Facebook content gets easier as you get accustomed to thinking about how to creatively use the above strategies. If you, or a team member, make it a routine to plan the content of your winery's Fan Page posts at the start of each week then managing a healthy Facebook following will only take you 1 - 3 hours a week.

Above all else, make sure you make your Facebook Fan Page fun and enjoyable for both you and your fans! View other social media articles and insights.


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