
Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

How To Drive Depletions In Supermarkets

Major factors that are influencing retail stores and effective merchandising programs that work in retail.

Photo for: How To Drive Depletions In Supermarkets

Creating targeted and personalized value propositions at the retail level means understanding global and regional trends that influence consumer choice. From customized digital displays and online cellar doors to conventional shelf talkers, the path to purchase has become more complex, but the essence of retail remains the same.

Looking beyond customer demographics, Rose Scott, GM of Buying at Woolworths Liquor Group, invites retail merchandisers to study the motivation and behavior of their core consumers.

In the home, at social occasions, during events, at dinner, at the bar and as gifts – these are the common scenarios where adult consumers frequently consume their favorite drinks.

Follow along as Rose Scott uses the Australian market place as a back drop for lessons on effectively planning merchandising programming applicable to your retail territory in her presentation Effective Merchandising Programs That Work In Retail:

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