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List Of Brewers Associations in USA

On this page you will find List Of Brewers Associations in USA and summary on each of the brewers associations.

Photo for: List Of Brewers Associations in USA

Master Brewers Association of the Americas

Master Brewers Association of the Americas

Master Brewers Association of the Americas was formed in 1887 with the purpose of promoting, advancing, and improving the professional interest of brew and malt house production and technical personnel. Today, MBAA is a dynamic, global community working to advance the brewing, fermentation, and allied industries by: advocating the exchange of knowledge; creating, assembling, interpreting, and disseminating credible and beneficial information; developing world-class education offerings; and providing valuable personal and professional development opportunities. MBAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

MBAA has more than 2,700 members in 23 different districts from more than 55 countries throughout the world.


American Society of Brewing Chemists, Inc.



Recently, members of ASBC traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the 4th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium 2013. For the first time, the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) and ASBC formally collaborated to present three technical talks during the symposium. Xiang Yin, Cargill; Greg Casey, MillerCoors; and Tom Shellhammer, Oregon State University, gave presentations. Read more about the presentations and the event in the report to the ASBC Board of Directors.



Brewers’ Association of America

Brewers’ Association of America

The Brewers Association is an organization of brewers, for brewers and by brewers. More than 1,900 US brewery members and 38,000 members of the American Homebrewers Association are joined by members of the allied trade, beer wholesalers, individuals, other associate members and the Brewers Association staff to make up the Brewers Association.
Purpose: To promote and protect small and independent American brewers, their craft beers and the community of brewing enthusiasts.



District Caribbean

In 1958 the formation of a Caribbean District of the MBAA was first thought of by Chuck Frizzell who wrote to Tony Kelly and Paul Geddes in Jamaica to ask if they were interested. They were, and from then on Tony Kelly organized the formation of the new district by writing to Brewmasters throughout the area from British Guiana in the South, to Puerto Rico in the North, and rounding up the active members as founder members. Application for a "Charter" was eventually made in March 1961 as pledges were obtained from the following members who were keen to become Charter Members. Charles W. Frizzell, Frederick Dallmayr, Frank P. Brogniez, Peter d'Aguiar, Keith L. Chandler, Peter Abbott, Paul H. Geddes, William H. Hedmann, Michael F. Porter, Antony G. Kelly, Maximiliam C Von Bose and Frank Columna.

The following were elected as Officers of the District by ballot in June 1961: Antony G. Kelly, President; Charles W. Frizzell, Vice-President; William H. Hedmann, Secretary; Michael F. Porter, Treasurer.


District Cincinnati

The MBAA District Cincinnati is dedicated to the support and service of the Brewing Industry in the great states of Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and South Eastern Indiana. Please join us in celebrating our craft and its tradition!


District Eastern Canada

Our website and associated links are intended to give our members up-to-date information about our district's upcoming events, and give visitors to our site an overview of the brewing news in our area. Our membership is comprised of people working in large brewing and packaging facilities and smaller craft brewers from the Eastern provinces of Canada.

Suppliers to our industry play a major role in our association. We organize one-day technical meetings in Montréal followed by a social event and we also organize a 2 day technical session, usually during the last week-end of July, alternating between St-John’s (NF), Halifax (NS), St-Andrew-by –the-Sea (NB) and Québec (Qc). We hold an annual golf tournament in late August.
If you'd like to learn more about brewing in the Eastern District of Canada, please join us at our next meeting or contact any of the members at the "Officers" link on the left of this page. We look forward to sharing our excitement about the brewing industry with you.

District Michigan

District Detroit was one of the founding districts of the MBAA. When the MBAA was founded in 1887 as the Master Brewers Association of the United States, there was already an active brewers association in Michigan, called the Brewmasters Association of Detroit, which was founded in 1886. About 90 brewers attended the first MBAA meeting in Chicago and elected its first board. Elected as Treasurer to the initial board was Konrad Koppitz of Koppitz-Melchers brewery, Detroit, Michigan.
The district enjoyed a long and active history, but gradually lost members as more and more breweries closed. The net result of this attrition was that District Detroit's membership grew to become mostly employees of the Stroh Brewery and its vendors. Unlike most of the brewing giants who survived well into the Twentieth Century, Stroh remained a two-brand beer company until 1964 when it acquired Goebel Brewing Company. It was 1979 before Stroh introduced their first new beer since their founding, Stroh Light. Subsequent acquisitions made Stroh a household word all over America. But with this growth came increased pressures to compete on the national market. A fact that ultimately led to the Stroh brands being swallowed by its competitors.

After Stroh quit producing beer in Michigan, membership in the district began to decline. By the late 1990s, it became evident that something had to be done. A motion was passed to pursue combining District Detroit with District Cincinnati. District Cincinnati was strong with active participants from AB, Miller, Boston Beer, and major suppliers plus some microbrewers. In 1998, joint meetings were held in Cincinnati, where participation by District Detroit was weak. In the October 1998 meeting, District Cincinnati declined to pursue combining the districts as it was not in their best interest.


District Mid-Atlantic
District Mid Atlantic has diverse membership from craft breweries of all sizes, as well as very large breweries throughout the region. Brewers of all experience levels gather for technical presentations and to socialize. We also havemany experienced, knowledgeable industry suppliers in our ranks. Our members look forward to sharing a beer with you at The District's next spring or fall meeting.


District Milwaukee

On behalf of the membership of MBAA District Milwaukee, thank you for your interest in our district! We are MBAA's Heritage District, and for good reason; there is no other city in the country that can claim the same rich brewing history as Milwaukee. But as you'll soon find, Milwaukee is a thoroughly modern city with a thriving beer culture. As a district, we embrace our rich past while at the same time fostering camaraderie between industry members in the present and with an eye on the future!

Right in the heart of Milwaukee you can find the sprawling complexes of the Blatz, Schlitz and Pabst breweries. These were true giants in their heyday, as brands and as brewing facilities. All three are seeing new life as offices, restaurants and hotels. Go a little farther west and you'll find the MillerCoors Milwaukee Brewery - a facility with its own rich history but a vibrant and modern brewery in its own right! We are proud of our heritage and proud to have many district members both young and old from the large breweries.

Milwaukee and the surrounding region is also home to a thriving craft brewing community. New Glarus Brewing Company, Goose Island, Half Acre and others in Chicago, Ale Asylum and Capital Brewery in Madison, and Milwaukee's own Sprecher and Lakefront Breweries, just to name a few. The craft brewing industry is in an exciting time of incredible growth, and District Milwaukee has members from many of these fine companies.

One thing about the Milwaukee area that's always amazed me are the sheer number and variety of supporting industries that are local. From malt to packaging machinery to tanks and valves and pumps: if you need something to make beer, there's a great chance you can find it close by.


District New England

New England is home to a rich cross section of the brewing industry these days, and our district’s membership is a reflection of that diversity. Our members span the continuum of brewery size and complexity, and each brings unique perspective and value to our gatherings. From the technical wizardry and know-how of the folks at Anheuser-Busch in Merrimack, NH to the creativity and flexibility of the many pub brewers who have joined our ranks, the brewers who make up District New England offer a huge variety of perspectives, which makes our meetings fun and informative for all involved. If you brew in New England and have wondered what the MBAA is all about we’d like to invite you to join us for a meeting as our guest: guaranteed you’ll enjoy the atmosphere!


District New York



District Northwest

Have a look at our upcoming Fall 2013 Meeting.
Our Fall and Spring meetings provide strong technical presentations and an opportunity to socialize with a diverse cross-section of the Northwest’s finest brewers and industry professionals.
Check out our Event Archive and see what we have been doing up until now.



District Ontario

District Ontario is both "the Master Brewers Association of Canada" (MBAC) and the "Master Brewers' Association of the Americas - district Ontario." Historically, the MBAC was constituted in 1914 and then affiliated with the larger MBAA in 1935, as "MBAA - District Ontario." we believe Ontario is unique in its dual character, preserving a sense of a separate past while being strongly linked to the larger organization and very actively participating in it.

In addition to its widely acclaimed Ontario Technical Conference held every January, the MBAC provides several technical and social functions a year for brewing professionals and their allied industries in the spirit of dedication to the preservation and advancement of the art and science of brewing and the profession of the master brewer. Our membership is mainly composed of people from Ontario, Canada although we also have members who live outside Ontario.


District Philadelphia

There are over 100 members of District Philadelphia representing seventeen brewing companies and about twenty companies that support the brewing industry. We encourage all brewers in our region to participate in MBAA through an active schedule designed address the needs of breweries regardless of their size.
Explore the links of the MBAA District Philadelphia website to learn more about us and our history as well as seeing recent meeting events, with photos and technical sessions.

District Rocky Mountain

District Rocky Mountain is one of the most diverse districts in the nation. From Coors in Golden, Anheuser-Busch and New Belgium in Ft. Collins to the other breweries and brewpubs in the region too numerous to mention, District Rocky Mountain has very rich and proud brewing history. Regardless of the size of the brewery, each of our members brings a unique perspective and value to our gatherings. District Rocky Mountain meetings, are not only educational, they are fun! If you brew in the Rocky Mountain region and have wondered what the MBAA is all about we'd like to invite you to join us for a meeting as our guest. We guarantee you'll have a good time and maybe even learn something at the same time!


District Southeast



District Southern California

Please come join us for the betterment of our industry and development of business relationships within our organization. Please email Niels Mastrup, for more information.


District St. Louis

Never been to an MBAA meeting? Join us at one of the following events. You’ll have a great meal, hear entertaining speakers, and meet a friendly group of people who make up St. Louis’ brewing industry. Our meetings are on the third Thursday of the month in January, February, March, April, October and November. All of our meetings begin at 5pm with a Social Hour. For members, the cost for the meeting is $25 for the entire event, including dinner. It’s $10 if you will attend the reception and business meeting only.


District St. Paul / Minneapolis

If all be true as we do think
There are five reasons why we drink:
Good beer, a Friend, or being Dry
Or lest one should be, by and by...
Or any other reason why!


District Texas

Welcome to the Texas District website. Our website is designed to provided up to date information for our members and to introduce our visitors to brewing in Texas. Our membership is comprised of people working in large brewing and packaging facilities as well as smaller craft brewers. Suppliers to our industry play a major role in our association. We hold two technical meetings per year, one in the spring and one in July/August. The spring meetings are usually the most technical and move from place to place based on the subject covered. The late summer meeting is much more social and is usually held in Kerrville, Texas.

If you'd like to learn more about brewing in the Texas District, please join us at our next meeting or contact any of the district's officers. Please visit Events pages to view pictures from our recent meetings.


District Venezuela



District Western Canada

Our website is here to give information about our meetings for our members and guests.
The district consists of groups across Western Canada including Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
If you would like to learn more about our group, please join us at one of our meetings or contact any of the western district groups or the executive members of the Western District.


District Western New York

Our membership is currently made up of members from 10 central New York breweries and several brewery vendors. Our district holds meetings in the winter, spring, and fall along with a golf tournament in the summer, a tasting event in the early fall, and a Christmas party. The golf tournament and the tasting event are both to benefit the scholarship fund. Each year the district awards a $1000 scholarship to a member who has submitted an application and meets the requirements. The scholarship is used to future the brewing knowledge of the recipient.

We are always looking for new members. Take a look around and if interested click on the application link!


American Homebrewers Association

The AHA promotes the American homebrewing community and empowers homebrewers to make the best beer in the world.

American Homebrewers Association

Quick Facts

Founded 1978 by homebrew author and Brewers Association President Charlie Papazian in Boulder, Colo. More than 36,000 members Enthusiastic staff dedicated to growing the community of homebrewing Governed by a committee of homebrewers
Producers of the world's largest homebrew competition 

Publishers of Zymurgy magazine. More info Here.


American Brewers Guild

American Brewers Guild

If you are new to the Guild, let me extend a welcome to the nation's premier brewing school for the craft brewing industry. Over the years we have earned a strong reputation for providing the brewing industry with the kind of brewer it needs.

We developed the CraftBrewers Apprenticeship Program (CBA) to address the need for new brewers to have some practical experience and training on graduation. We then developed the Distance Education version of the CBA to aid students of brewing science in obtaining that all-important qualification while working at their breweries or other jobs.

As technology allows we will continue to develop the Distance Education CBA so that it will continue to be at the forefront of brewing education into the next century. Each year two correspondence courses, the Intensive Brewing Science and Engineering and the CraftBrewers Apprenticeship Program courses will be offered twice each, in February and July.

More Info on Ameircan Brewers Guild


The Beer Institute

The Beer Institute

The Beer Institute was organized in 1986 to represent the beer industry before Congress, state legislatures and public forums across the country. It is committed to developing sound public policy that focuses on community involvement and personal responsibility.

As the recognized and authoritative source of information on aspects of the industry, the Beer Institute focuses on these principles through its representation, information and service. The Beer Institute assures a role for industry members in formulating public policy goals and works to implement our goals by providing representation before federal and state governmental bodies.

Today, the more than 2,800 breweries in the U.S. are responsible for billions of dollars that flow each year through channels of American trade and commerce. From agricultural products, can manufacturing, food processing, food stores and general retail, to wholesaling, construction and real estate, brewers, along with their wholesale and retail partners, directly or indirectly employ more than 2 million Americans who earn nearly $79 billion in wages and benefits.


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