
Beverage Trade Network authors

Peter McAtamney


Helping Wine

Peter has almost 30 years wine industry experience including 11 years in global distribution management. In 2003, Peter founded Wine Business Solutions, a company specialised in providing strategic advice to wine business owners. During those 12 years, he has worked with literally hundreds of wine businesses helping them improve their go to market strategies.

Peter has held board and advisory positions with Australian, New Zealand, South African and Spanish companies. He has worked as a publicly listed wine company Managing Director and is a former Chairman of Wine Marlborough. He has been part of the National Marketing committee and an alternate board member for New Zealand Winegrowers. He has been involved with Global Strategy for some of the world’s most successful brands including [yellowtail], Freixenet and Wine Marlborough.

Peter is a highly experienced communicator. He has studied Marketing and Strategy at Columbia University (NY). He has taught Strategy, Marketing, Sales Management, Services Marketing and Business Culture as part of the MBA program of UTS (University Technology Sydney).



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Brandy Rand

Brandy has over 15 years marketing and management experience in the beverage alcohol industry.

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