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How smaller wineries can grab the attention of distributors

Distributors are always looking for a turning point in their portfolio. What smaller wineries have to do is hit the right spots, and figure out what distributors want right now. Here are a few ways.

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With the rise of the Covid19 virus, the alcohol beverage industry took a huge hit, and smaller wineries continue to do so. Over the past few months, consumer demands have shifted majorly. Instead of trying new wines and exploring the category, they are sticking to brands and varietals that they already know of and are comfortable with.

For smaller wineries that are not as well known, this shift in consumer demand has created a huge gap in sales. Distributors, retailers, restaurants, bars are all working with brands that they already know, and what consumers already know. However, this doesn’t mean that smaller wineries don’t have a chance in getting noticed by distributors. Keep in mind, no matter what the situation is, distributors are always looking for a turning point in their portfolio. What smaller wineries have to do is hit the right spots, and figure out what distributors want right now. 

Here are a few ways in which smaller wineries can grab the attention of distributors.

Offer entry-level, valuable wines

With incomes decreasing, consumers are going back to entry level wines. Premium wines are no longer the highest of demands, instead, the $7 bottle on the shelf is what consumers are picking up. So right now, distributors are looking for wines that offer a great value, because that’s what restaurants and retailers are buying. 

Instead of offering distributors your premium wine section, try bottling a value wine. Create a $7 concoction which will attract distributors. With lower prices and good quality wine, distributors are bound to come your way. 

Stick to popular varietals 

Once again, consumer demand comes in here. Consumers are drinking varietals that they already know of and are comfortable with. So while surfing through websites, or walking through retail aisles, they’re more likely to pick a Merlot or a Chardonnay that they already know of, instead of a Refosco or a Frappato.

Focus on building more common varietals that consumers are already aware of. When distributors see that you’re offering wanted varietals with an attractive price, they’re bound to notice you and your wines. 

Offer end to end help with retailers and restaurants

Right now, a lot of distributors are struggling with logistics. When it comes to deliveries and keeping up with retailers, it has become quite a tough task since a lot of distributors have had to cut down on their staff due to the current situation. So if you’re someone who has the means of offering distributors the logistics that they are lacking, then they will definitely pique an interest in your wines. 

So what you can do is offer distributors your transport, you can offer them end to end marketing solutions, you can tell them that you’ll be in touch with retailers and restaurants regarding sales, and see what problems you can solve for the distributor. 

Stay in touch with distributors

One thing distributors look for in wineries are those that stay in touch with them. You need to show the distributor that you’re all in. If you’ve sent a few samples to a distributor, then make sure you drop them an email or give them a call to remind them about your samples. You can also ask the distributor if they need help with anything else when you get in touch with the distributor.

Being in touch with your distributor shows them that you’re there no matter what, and you’re serious about your wines. 

Smaller wineries are surely suffering right now, but by offering distributors what they want, they can definitely grab the distributor’s attention, and get the sales going up once again. All you need to do is rework a little on your strategy.

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